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- Norton Daily Telegram, 9 September 1941. "C. W. BISBEE IS DEAD AT 70. Long Siege of Heart Disease Takes an Old Resident Early Today. Charles Wesley Bisbee, 70, well known retired farmer and President of the local Townsend Club, died at 12:15 o'clock this morning at Norton Hospital. He had been in extremely poor health for the past year or more as a result of heart disease. He survived a critical illness several months ago and was able to be down town recently but about three weeks ago suffered an attack which kept him bedfast at his home at 209 N. Norton. His condition became so grave he was removed to the hospital during the weekend. Funeral services had not been arranged today, awaiting advices from relatives. The body lies in state at the Diets Funeral Home. "Charley" Bisbee was born August 6, 1871, a son of Reuben E. Bisbee, Jr. and Hannah (Burk) Bisbee, while the family was in Canada more or less temporarily. His parents and grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Reuben E. Bisbee Sr. were New Englanders but moved to Canada shortly before the rebellion of 1837-38 and the elder Bisbee was forced to take the oath of allegiance to Great Britian. The seven sons, of whom Mr. Bisbee's father was one, were generally dissatisfied, however, until 1873 Reuben Jr. and family determined to come to the new west. With his parents and others in the family who joined the trek, the Reuben Bisbee Jr. [family] stopped at Plattsmouth and Lowell, Nebraska, and eventually located in the Sappa Creek country, where Reuben, Sr. became the first postmaster at Devizes and named the office. He gave the tract and laid out the Devizes Cemetery, where he was buried in Late Jan. 1887. Charley Bisbee meanwhile homesteaded in Bell Plain Township southeast of Norton, whrere he and his wife resided for many years. During their residence there Mr. Bisbee for years was superintendent of the Belle Plain Sunday School. He was a member of the Methodist Church for many years, his father having been ordained an elder of that denomination in 1883. Surviving Mr. Bisbee are his wife, Mrs. Jennie Bisbee, two daughters, two sons, 10 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, three sisters and two brothers. One brother, Reuben Bisbee of Ford, Kansas died recently. The children are Bertha E. Steelsmith of Lenora, Conan W. Bisbee of Tecumseh, Nebraska, Ross Leroy Bisbee of Riverton, Wyo., and Mrs. Ollie Mae Bruinekool of Edmond. Sisters and brothers are James Bisbee of Denver, Colo., Rev. Milton Bisbee of Claflin, Kans., Mrs. Mamie Bridgewater of Ford, Kans., Mrs. Millie Wilson, a resident of Kansas and Mrs. Lizzie Pelton of Vermillion, Ohio."