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- Sometimes referred to as the "Godfather of Plympton." --Plympton Historical Society.
Information on this individual provided by Anne Thomas Kelley Miller at Not Confirmed.
Will: We give here a true copy of the last Will of Rev. Isaac Cushman, as near as modern type can do it.
"Know all men by these presents, that I Isaac Cushman Sen'r of Plympton in the county of Plymouth, in
the province of the Massachusets Bay in New England, being att this present time in helth and of sound
mind and memory thanks be to God for the same, yet calling to mind the mortallyty of my Body and
knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye, do make and ordain this my Last will and
Testement, That is to say: principally and first of all: I Recommend my Soul unto the hand of God that
Gave it and my body I Recommend the earth: to be buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discresion
of my Executor, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same by the
mighty power of God: and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me
in this Life: having Giveen to my son Isaac Cushman Deceassed his full portion in Land to his full
sattisfaction: and as consarning my Son Ichabod cushman he has had this portion already to his full
satisfaction yet notwithstanding for the Love and fatherly affection which I Bare towards him I Give to
him the fift part of my books and twenty shilling to be paid to him out of my movable Estat. Pimprimis I
give to my Grandson Nathaniel Cushman my share of Seder Swamp Lying in Colchesster Swamp: and
also concaring the Rest of my movable Estate besides what is above expressed I Give in maner
following: imprimis I Give to my Daughter Rebecah Michel one Quartter part of my moveable Estate
besides what is above expressed: item I Give to the children of my Daughter Mary Waterman deceased
one Quartter part of my moveable estate besides what is above expressed. Item I Give to the children of
my daughter Sarah Briant deceased one Quartter part of my moveable Estate besides what is above
expressed--item I Give to my Daughter Phear Sturtevant one Quarter part of my moveable Estate
besides what is above expresed and if it should pleas God to take away by Death ether or both my
Daughters which are now surviving, before my self, then what I have give to them shall belong to their
children: and my will Is that my son in law Robert Waterman Shal be my executor to this my Last will
and Testament: to Recive all Depts due to the Estate and also to pay all depts due from the Estate and
funerall charges before any devition be made of the above said perticulars amongst my children and
Gran children and I do hereby Request my Loveing friends Capt Benony Lucas and Deak David
Bosworth to be overseers of this my Last will and testament and to be assistant unto my aforesaid
executor in the performance of the same: In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
twenty fift day of October one Thousand Seven Hundred twenty and Seven.
Signed: Isaac Cushman [SEAL]
"Signed, sealed and Declared by the above said Isaac Cushman Seneir, to be his will and Testament, in
the presents of us.
Ignatius Cushing
Benony Lucas
David Bozworth.
The foregoing will was "approved and allowed" by Hon. Isaac Winslow, Judge of Probate for Plymouth
County, 30 Oct. 1732, and Robert Waterman (son-in-law of Rev. Isaac C.) was appointed Executor of
the same.
The following is the Inventory of his estate:
An Inventory of the personal Estate of the Rever'd Mr. Isaac Cushman, Late of Plymton Dec'sd
taken by us the subscribers Nov'er 2d, 1732.
oe sh. d.
To Boocks, 12 00 00
To bonds, 220 12 10
To Province bills of Credit, 03 5 00
To wareing apparel, 23 2 00
To beding and furniture, 63 15 6
To puter, 09 17 9
To brass, 04 07 0
To tin, 00 9 0
To Iron Pots and Kettles, 03 1 0
To knives and forkes, 00 13 0
To fire tackleing and Iron hatchel, 05 13 0
To old Iron, 03 0 0
To glass ware, 00 10 6
To Earthen ware, 00 4 6
To Chairs, 02 11 0
To Chests and tables, 03 12 0
To wages and dishes and barrels and other Rough Lumber, 03 14 6
To yarn and wool and tow, 04 9 7
To tobaco, 00 7 0
To Cart and wheels, 01 10 0
Sadle and bridle, 00 10 0
To provision, 50 2 5
To Cattle and horse, 48 15 0
To hay, 34 14 0
Debts due to the Estate, 134 16 2
Debts due from the Estate, 42 16 11
David Bozworth,
Benjamin Weston,
Ignatius Cushing